
Welcome to Athletics at the Bailey School for Performing and Visual Arts!

the bailey scool logo

Athletics Office

Office: 281-891-8000

Darrion Applewhite, Athletic Campus Director

Denitroy Green, Assistant Athletic Campus Coordinator

Important Information

Athletics Policy:

All students involved in the athletic period must attempt to participate in at least 2 sports throughout the school year.

Online Forms

Athletic paperwork and pre-participation forms for Spring ISD are online. It is mandatory that all 7th-12th grade prospective student athletes fill out UIL and SISD paperwork before they will be allowed to participate in any practice or contest before, during or after school, including tryouts. The website is designed to streamline the process and conserve valuable resources. Go to Spring ISD Rank One Sport and complete the Athletic Participation form which includes all mandatory UIL paperwork.

The Physical and Medical History must still be turned into respective coaches. This piece of paper must be signed and stamped by a physician. A parent and student athlete must sign the physical.

Please Click Here to access our district Physical/UIL Participation Form required for all student athletes.  Physicals MUST be current in order for participation.

Girls Athletics 


Kendra Wilson, Head Coach

Leah Smith, Coach

Jasmine Wyatt, Coach

Alexandra Davison, Coach  

Cross Country Track

Denitroy Green, Head Coach


Denitroy Green, Head Coach

Jasmine Wyatt, Coach

Kendra Lee, Coach


Jasmine Wyatt, Head Coach

Kendra Lee, Coach

Leah Smith, Coach

Kevin Williams, Coach


Kendra Wilson, Coach

Tamiko Hamilton

 Boys Athletics 

7th grade Football

Dewayne Harrold, Head Coach

Aloysius James, Coach

Trenton Maxie, Coach

Paul Banks, Coach

8th grade Football

Darrion Applewhite, Head Coach

Gregory Sever, Coach

Reginald Mitchell, Coach


Gregory Sever, Head Coach

Gregory Harris, Coach

Dewayne Harrold, Coach

Aloysius James, Coach

 Cross Country Track

Denitroy Green, Head Coach


Darrion Applewhite, Head Coach

Trenton Maxie, Coach

Reginald Mitchell, Coach


Kevin Williams, Coach

Darrion Applewhite, Coach

Football Schedule