Special Services
Welcome to the Department of Special Services
The department of Special Services is specifically designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.
Our Beliefs:
With the proper support and opportunities, every student can learn and succeed.
Learning differences and disabilities are to be respected
Parents of children with special needs should be viewed as valuable partners
Collaboration between special education and general education staff is imperative
All school staff are responsible for meeting the individual needs of students
Language differences are not disabilities, nor should they be a barrier to special education supports and service
All special education services should aim to minimize the impact of a disability while maximizing opportunities for students to participate in the general curriculum
Involving students with special needs in decisions affecting their education is empowering -- fueling self-efficacy and the ability to successfully transition into higher education and/or employment
High expectations informed by ongoing assessments foster a special education system that is fluid -- enabling students to enter and exit as appropriate
Special Services staff are valued professional members of a school team
Contact Us
Special Services
16717 Ella Blvd.
Houston, TX 77090
Phone: 281-891-6265
Fax: 281-891-6266
Executive Director of
Special Services
Dr. Ayana Lebron
Email: Dr. Ayana Lebron
Director of Special Services-Instruction & Campus Support
Director of Special Services- Assessment, Compliance & Accountability
Dr. Rekina Miller
Email: Rekina Miller